Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Return of Police Monkey

Government: “This is the constitution of the moon it is created by me. There shalt be no lawa made on or for the moon. The main purpose of the moon is to put all our trash on it so america will look clean to other nations. Overtime when the moon becomes fell it is to be lighted with gasoline and set fire so that we will no longer have pollution hanging over our heads."

ESL (fill in the blank): “3. [John] presented himself as the candidate to liberate the country from corruption.

4. [African-American girl] is generally high among the Native American population.

1. [Many birds] may go for years between significant rainfalls.”

Okay, It’s ESL. But come on.

Social Studies 2: “My mom makes me special, when she plays with my toy monkey."

Nevermind. Maybe I don't want that toy monkey afterall.

1 comment:

  1. technically, this is true

    "[Many birds] may go for years between significant rainfalls.”
